Ganzheitliches Forum

Die tiefe Bedeutung von Pfingsten

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Samstag, den 18. Mai 2024 um 12:19 Uhr


Meditation: Alles wird gut - Meditation für schwere Zeiten

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Samstag, den 18. Mai 2024 um 12:17 Uhr


GET READY! War is Coming! SITREP 5.16.24

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Freitag, den 17. Mai 2024 um 11:12 Uhr


Understanding is Revolution - Osho on Tao

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Donnerstag, den 16. Mai 2024 um 12:14 Uhr


Tao knows nothing of discipline. Tao is anarchic, spontaneous, effortless. All disciplines are unnatural — they have to be. Nature needs no discipline, it is sufficient unto itself. Trees and rivers and animals and stars — they don’t know anything of discipline. Discipline is man-created, man-made and because of discipline man becomes split. One part starts manipulating the other part, then a rift is created. The mind tries to manipulate the body, and the body tries to manipulate the mind in subtle ways, or at least tries to sabotage it. This conflict creates confusion: all conflict is confusion. Because of conflict the fusion cannot happen: you cannot be one, you cannot be fused in one, hence confusion. And the ultimate result can only be schizophrenia. You go on fighting and fighting, and by and by you are no longer one individual, you become many — at least two, and if worse happens, then many — then you become a crowd. And when you are not one, you cannot be happy. Happiness is a function of unity. Happiness is the music that happens when you are in unison, when everything fits together, when everything harmonises, when there is no conflict not even a trace of it, when you are an orchestra not a crowd…. Nobody is trying to manipulate, nobody is trying to become the master, nobody is trying to exploit, oppress… the whole being is overflowing with joy.

Weiterlesen: Understanding is Revolution - Osho on Tao


Naomi Klein | Powerful words on the Gaza genocide

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Donnerstag, den 16. Mai 2024 um 12:07 Uhr


137 Ein Kurs in Wundern EKIW | Wenn ich geheilt bin, bin ich nicht allein geheilt | Gottfried Sumser

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Donnerstag, den 16. Mai 2024 um 11:46 Uhr


LEBEN stirbt nicht, sonst hieße es TOD; WER BIST DU dann oder WAS LEBT, das nicht sterben kann?

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Donnerstag, den 16. Mai 2024 um 11:44 Uhr



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Donnerstag, den 16. Mai 2024 um 07:21 Uhr


„Krieg ist heilbar!“ Daniele Ganser und Franz Ruppert

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Mittwoch, den 15. Mai 2024 um 14:57 Uhr


Ein Kurs in Wundern EKIW | Krankheit ist eine Abwehr gegen die Wahrheit | Gottfried Sumser

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Mittwoch, den 15. Mai 2024 um 11:15 Uhr


Lafontaine & Schmalz, Lage zur Ukraine!!

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Dienstag, den 14. Mai 2024 um 11:54 Uhr


Clif High Interview With Dr. Naomi Wolf 5.11.24

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Dienstag, den 14. Mai 2024 um 06:43 Uhr


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